Today is Saturday and the cabinet installer finished up yesterday doing as much as he could. He will come back after the countertop gets in and finish up with with the molding and two other cabinets that need to go in. Hopefully, our floor will be installed on Monday. Tuesday the guy is suppose to come and measure for the countertop. It might be up to two weeks before the counter top is done (I hope it doesn't take that long). John is busy putting up some molding around the pantry door and then will paint the trim around the windows and the pantry door. As you can see by the pics, it's all starting to come together. Can't wait!! So, the million dollar question is, are we really ready to tackle the bathroom after the kitchen is complete????
Looking good Aunt Deb! Can't wait to see the finished result!
ooohhh, pretty. Of course, you should tackle the bathroom. Does that mean instead of doing dishes in the bathtub you'll have to bath in the kitchen sink? :)
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